
Charlie with his family on adoption day

Q: How Did You Acquire Charlie?
A: A rescue group in Texas worked with a rescue group in Canada

Q:Do you know Charlie’s backstory?
A: Charlie had been living and surviving on the streets of Texas. He’s a small dog and I am pleasantly surprised he was savvy enough to survive. He was then found by a street feeder in Texas. The feeder called rescue group after rescue group until finally a group had a foster available to take him. The rescue group worked with a group in Canada. He travelled 3 days by van with other dogs from Texas to Niagara Falls where we all met our dogs for the first time. He’s an amazing dog and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.

Q: What has life been like since you adopted Charlie?
A: I was deeply struggling trying to come to terms with the loss of my last rescue, Finnegan. Charlie is an amazing dog and we just love him so much. His living a great life and travels with us trying new adventures with us.

Q: Anything else we should know about Charlie’s story?
A: I wish people wouldn’t think rescues are throw aways. You just need to do your research and find a dog that matches your expectations and lifestyle. They are out there waiting for you to save their lives. You actually save two life’s. 1. The dog you adopt. 2. Now they have space to rescue another dog and likely safe their life.

